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Organizing files

This section describes how files can be organized inside of the Figlinq platform.

Regular folders

Figlinq allows organizing data, charts and figures / dashboards in folders and subfolders. Folders can be managed in My Files area.

To create a (sub)folder, simply click the "Create" button in the top menu, and select "Folder". You can create as many folders and subfolders as you like to organize your charts, figures and data grids.

Special-purpose folders

'Shared with me' folder

This special folder lists all files that has been shared with you by your collaborators.

'Recent' folder

This special folder lists all recently created of modified files.

'Favorite' folder

This special folder lists all your favorite ('starred') files. To mark your, or someone else's, files as favorite, you need to add a star when you view this files online.

To view your own files, hover with your mouse cursor above a data grid, chart or figure item and click "Viewer". This will open the files in viewing mode in a new browser tab. Next, click the star icon under the files to mark it as your favorite. Starring files published by others works in the same way.

'Trash' folder

This special folder contains all files that has been deleted. Here you can restore the files to its original location or delete it permanently.