Text annotations can be added to draw attention to certain trace elements orparts of your figure. Adding an annotation by choosing Annotate > Text and pressing +Annotation. This opens a series of menus where text can be added, and arrows or lines can be placed connecting the text with the element of interest.
Note Text
Rich Text / LaTeX Switching between these two tabs will not preserve your formatting in some cases.
Rich Text
In the text field you can type your text, select (parts of) it and style-paint it using the Bold, Italic or a combination thereof, add subscript and superscript or add a URL to the selected text. Or you can click the Edit in HTML button to gain HTML/CSS control over the formatting.
Allows the use of the LaTeX type setting language to create involved (mathematical) formulas. Be aware that, when switching to the LaTeX formatting, proceeding after the warning "Continuing will convert your note to LaTeX-style text." by clicking the Continue button, this is a one-way conversion and your current formatting will be irreversibly changed into LaTeX, while returning to Rich Text or HTML will result in unformatted plain text.
Pick one of the available fonts for display of your text.
Font Size
Change font size of the entire text (size is in pixels, not in the usual pt!).
Font Color
Choose the color of the font using the standard color picker[link].
Set the clockwise angle under which the text will be placed. Range is [-179° - 180°] and can be set by typing in the angle, by using the up- an down arrows or by using the scroll wheel of the mouse.
Horizonta Alignment
Multi-line text (the <br /> tag inserts a line feed) can be floated left, center or right using the Horizontal Alignment popup menu.
Show, Hide
Hides all options concerning the display and appearance of a line and arrowhead.
Displays all Arrow options below, so they are conditionally visible.
Line Width
Sets the width of the line, or the body of the arrow. Can be set by typing, up- and down arrows or, when the Line Width text box has the I-beam focus, with the mouse scroll wheel. Sub-pixel sizes are allowed.
Sets the color of the line and optional arrowhead using the standard color picker[link]
Choose the desired shape for the line ending from this popup, which gives a choice of arrow shapes, circle, square or none (displays just a line). The arrowhead covers part of the line it is placed on and does not extend the line.
Sets the size of the arrowhead. The indication 'px' is [bug] misleading. Too large values with respect to the length vector can hide the line and arrow altogether.
X Offset
Placing of text and arrow or line is expressed either in pixels or in axis units (indicated by the name of the appropriate axis title in the popup)
Y Offset
Placing of text and arrow or line is expressed either in pixels or in axis units (indicated by the name of the appropriate axis title in the popup)
X Vector
Placing of text and length of the arrow with respect to the trace can be set using the up- and down arrows, by typing a value, by the mouse scroll wheel when the field has focus, or by grabbing the text in the trace and dragging it to the desired location. The arrow(head)/line will stay put, the text will move, the arrow/line length will be adjusted and the numerical value will be adjusted.
Y Vector
Placing of text and length of the arrow with respect to the trace can be set using the up- and down arrows, by typing a value, by the mouse scroll wheel when the field has focus, or by grabbing the text in the trace and dragging it to the desired location. The arrow(head)/line will stay put, the text will move, the arrow/line length will be adjusted and the numerical value will be adjusted.
Horizontal Positioning
Only available when Show is selected.
Anchor Point
Picks the side of the imaginary box containing the arrow/line: Auto, Left, Center or Right used to position the arrow/line
Placing of the arrow/line is done using referencing (see below) Relative To and in case of Canvas is in the percentage of the canvas size, or in a numerical value expressed in units of the chosen axis. When switching the reference to canvas, you may need to touch the Position slider to pull the arrow/line into the canvas. Positioning can also be done by grabbing the arrow or the text and dragging this to the desired position. In that case, the number fields are automatically adjusted and the text is moved along with the arrow/line.
Relative To
Pick the reference for positioning the arrow/line from the canvas or from the available horizontal axes
Vertical Positioning
Only available when Show is selected.
Anchor Point
Pick the reference for positioning the arrow/line from the canvas or from the available vertical axes
Placing of the arrow/line is done using referencing (see below) Relative To and in case of Canvas is in the percentage of the canvas size, or in a numerical value expressed in units of the chosen axis. When switching the reference to canvas, you may need to touch the Position slider to pull the arrow/line into the canvas. Positioning can also be done by grabbing the arrow and dragging this to the desired position. In that case, the number fields are automatically adjusted and the text is moved along with the arrow/line.
Relative To
Pick the reference for positioning the arrow/line from the canvas or from the available vertical axes