A bar chart[link] contains an x-axis that represents categories or given values, and a y-axis which represent the measured value. Three types of bar charts can be distinguished. The simplest version has only one grid column[link], the second form uses exactly two grid columns[link], the third form uses more than two grid columns[link].
- Single grid column. By definition, the bar chart will be categorical. When no x-values are given, the y-values will get a sequentially enumerated category (0, 1, 2, 3..) and the y-values will be charted parallel to the Y-axis. Conversely, when only an x-value is given, the values will be charted parallel to the x-axis and the y values will be enumerated.
- Two grid columns. The next level is two grid columns. When from the grid one column is chosen for x-values and one column is used for y-values, it depends on the cell contents in the y-axis if text categories or numerical categories will be used. In the latter case, the numbers in the grid cells dictate the spacing across the x-axis.
- More than three grid columns. Combining one axis with given values and more than one measured values opens the option for grouping bars of the measured values. When two or more measured values are placed on an axis, the Bar Mode option Grouped places the bars of the data sets adjacent, while Stacked uses one value as an extension of the other value in one three different ways.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity​
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
Only available when two or more traces are present.
The legend is a box in the chart that shows the name and appearance of the trace. Although Legend[link] has its own Style entry, in the Traces > Individual tab, legend can be hidden or shown.
Sometimes (a bug we're working on[link]) the legend pane may disappear from the Style > Traces menu; it can be reactivated through the Styles > Legend[link] menu.
Show In Legend​
Only available whenStyle > Legend button is enabled.
- Show Displays the trace name in the legend; reveals Legend Group popup.
- Hide Removes the name of the trace from the legend.
Legend Group​
Only available when option Show in Show In Legend above is selected.
Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces that are part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.
Sets the width of the box in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other traces in the same subchart. Chosing 1 puts each box into a separate column, using 2 makes boxes overlap.
Bar Grouping, Sizing And Spacing​
Only available when more than 1 bar trace has been created.
Bar Mode​
Only available when a data set for a bar trace has been selected in Structure > Traces.
- Grouped Places bars adjacent; width and gap between bars are set in any trace but setting width (bug[link]) or padding (bug[link]) sets these parameters for all traces.
- Positive/Negative Stacked When both negative and positive values are in the selected grid column(s), the bars are charted atop one another, such that negative values are charted below the 0-axis; the bars 'start at the axis'.
- Strict Sum Stacked Bars are placed head-to-toe, with negative values pulling subsequent bars down; two adjacent bar values of e.g. -2 and +3 result in the latter bar extending from -2 to +1, entirely covering the former bar. The bars 'start at the end of the previous bar'.
- Overlaid Places the bars on top of one another, the first trace in the Trace column being behind all others, the latter traces in the Trace column being placed in front of the previous one (possibly obscuring it).
Only available when more than 1 bar trace has been created.
- None Raw values are used for the axis.
- Percent Bars are normalized to 100%.
- Fraction Display the fraction between the two (or more) grid columns.
Bar Width​
Only available when more than 1 bar trace has been created.
- % The available space for each given-value axis category is split between the measured-value bars; 100% means the bars of one category together take up 100% of the space of a category on the line. Decreasing this value opens up the space between categories/values.
Bar Padding​
Only available when more than 1 bar trace has been created.
- % Within a single category value, the padding determines the amount of empty space around each of the bars within that category. 0% means the bars are adjacent and fill up the entire category space, 50% leaves half of the category space be blank and at 100%percnt; only a 1-pixel narrow bar remains.
The color of bars, either using Constant[link] for the entire trace or Variable[link] for individual bars of a trace can be set using the method described in Color[link].
Data from a grid column can also be used to specify a color for many chart elements. When color values (syntax as described in Constant) are provided in the grid cells, they will be used to style the elements. When the data in the grid is numerical, categorical color bars will be used.
Colorscale Direction​
Only available when Color is set to Variable.
- Normal shows increasing values in the chart according to increasing colorscale values.
- Reversed shows increasing values in the chart according to decreasing colorscale values.
Colorscale Range​
Only available when Color is set to Variable.
- Auto lets the system map colors to the entire range in the chosen grid area.
- Custom maps the colorscale between the given min and max, projecting higher values on max and lower values on min.
Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.
Determines which number is connected to the lower end of the colorscale.
Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.
Determines which number is connected to the upper end of the colorscale.
Point Opacity​
Point Opacity shoud be read as Bar Opacity, this slider is affecting the transparency/opacity of the color set under Color[link].
Border Width​
This slider displays a border around the perimeter of object, both inward and outward. A 3-pixel border extends 1 pixel outward and 1 pixel inward, with the exception of the given-value axis, where the outward perimeter is initially clipped.
Border width can be set individually for each trace, and can be used as a workaround for the bar width setting, which acts concurrently on all traces.
Border Color​
The color of the border can be set using the default color picker[link].
Text can be taken from a grid column and added to each data point. Position of the text relative to the data can be global or set per data point.
Text Position​
Sets the positions of the Text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates. Options are pairs chosen from [Top, Middle, Bottom] and [Left, Center, Right].
All makes the string appear at the same relative position for all data points
Custom uses items from the selected grid column for placing the text relative to this trace's (x,y) coordinates.
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.
Text Alignment​
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Error Bars X​
Determines the rule used to generate the error bars in X-direction.
- None will not draw any error bars.
- Symmetric will draw an error bar centered around the data points.
- Asymmetric will draw separarate bars for +error and -error taken from two data grid columns.
Error Type​
Appears when Symmetric or Asymmetric are chosen.
- % the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in the Value field.
- Constant will use a bar length of constant value. Set this constant in Value field.
- √ will use the square root of the underlying data for bar length; only available with Symmetric error bars.
- Data uses grid column values for the length of the error bars. One grid column is sufficient for Symmetric error bars, two grid columns are necessary for Asymmetric error bars.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Determines the color of the error bar.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the error bars.Crossbar Width​
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bar.Error Bars Y​
Determines the rule used to generate the error bars in Y-direction.
- None will not draw any error bars.
- Symmetric will draw an error bar centered around the data points.
- Asymmetric will draw separarate bars for +error and -error taken from two data grid columns.
Error Type​
Appears when Symmetric or Asymmetric are chosen.
- % the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in the Value field.
- Constant will use a bar length of constant value. Set this constant in Value field.
- √ will use the square root of the underlying data for bar length; only available with Symmetric error bars.
- Data uses grid column values for the length of the error bars. One grid column is sufficient for Symmetric error bars, two grid columns are necessary for Asymmetric error bars.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Determines the color of the error bar.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the error bars.Crossbar Width​
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bar.