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Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.

In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.

HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.

Trace Opacity​

Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.


Histogram Normalization​

Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace.

  • Number of Occurences The span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points inside the corresponding bin).
  • Percent The span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of data points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1).
  • Probability The span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points).
  • Density
  • *** Probability Density*** The area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).


Sets whether the current bin is included, excluded, or has half of its value included in the current cumulative value.

  • Enabled Default for compatibility with various other tools, however it introduces a half-bin bias to the results.

  • Disabled makes the opposite half-bin bias, and "half" removes it.


Only available when Cumulative is Enabled.

  • Increasing sums all prior bins, so the result increases from left to right.

  • Decreasing sums later bins so the result decreases from left to right.

Current Bin​

Only appears if cumulative is enabled.
Sets whether the current bin is included, excluded, or has half of its value included in the current cumulative value.

  • Include Default for compatibility with various other tools, however it introduces a half-bin bias to the results.

  • exclude makes the opposite half-bin bias.

  • half removes the half-bin bias.

Bar grouping, Sizing And Spacing​

When [missing link] is activated, extra options appear in Bar Grouping, Sizing and Spacing

  • Grouped Places bars adjacent; width and gap between bars are set in any trace but setting width (bug[link]) or padding (bug[link]) sets these parameters for all traces.
  • Positive/Negative Stacked When both negative and positive values are in the selected grid column(s), the bars are charted atop one another, such that negative values are charted below the 0-axis; the bars 'start at the axis'.
  • Strict Sum Stacked Bars are placed head-to-toe, with negative values pulling subsequent bars down; two adjacent bar values of e.g. -2 and +3 result in the latter bar extending from -2 to +1, entirely covering the former bar. The bars 'start at the end of the previous bar'.
  • Overlaid Places the bars on top of one another, the first trace in the Trace column being behind all others, the latter traces in the Trace column being placed in front of the previous one (possibly obscuring it).


Not avaliable when Bar Mode is set to Overlay.

Determines whether this color bar's length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of chart "fraction" or in "pixels

  • None Bars are drawn according to their respective values

  • Fraction Each bar is diplayed as the trace's fraction of the bin, as summed over the traces. One trace leads to all bars being equally tall.

  • Percent Each bar is diplayed as the trace's percentage of the bin, as summed over the traces. One trace leads to all bars being equally tall.

Bar Width​

Sets the bar width as percentage of the area reserved for one histogram entry. Similar effect as Bar Padding, though the settings result in slightly different bars

Bar Padding​

Sets the bar width as percentage of the area reserved for one histogram entry. Similar effect as Bar Padding, though the settings result in slightly different bars


Data is grouped into bins, and each bin covers an area in the chart that reflects the number of occurences of the values falling within the bin range. For category data - the area reflects the number of categories that are binned together (always defaults to 1). For date data, use milliseconds or "M<n>" for months. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicitly calculated bin size is used, and all others discarded.

X Bin Start​

Sets the starting value for the x axis bins.

Defaults to the lowest data value, shifted down if necessary to round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data are integers, we shift the bin edges by 0.5 down, so a Size of 5 would have a default Start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin and 5-9 in the second bin. Continuous data gets a bin start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and Start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicit Start is used exactly and all others are shifted down (if necessary) to differ from that one by an integer number of bins.

X Bin End​

Sets the end value for the x axis bins.

The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by Size from Start until we reach or exceed End. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like Start, for dates use a date string, and for category data End is based on the category serial numbers.

Max X Bins​

Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data.

X Bin Size​

If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, this first encountered explicit Size is used and all others discarded. If no Size is provided,the sample data from all traces is combined to determine Size as described above.



The color of bars

  • Constant[link] for the entire trace

  • Variable[link] for individual bars of a trace can be set using the method and syntax as described in Color[link].

Data from a grid column can also be used to specify a color for many chart elements. When color values (syntax as described in Constant) are provided in the grid cells, they will be used to style the elements. When the data in the grid is numerical, categorical color bars will be used.

Colorscale Direction​

Only available when Color is set to Variable.

  • Normal shows increasing values in the chart according to increasing colorscale values.
  • Reversed shows increasing values in the chart according to decreasing colorscale values.

Colorscale Range​

Only available when Color is set to Variable.

  • Auto lets the system map colors to the entire range in the chosen grid area.
  • Custom maps the colorscale between the given min and max, projecting higher values on max and lower values on min.


Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.

Determines which number is connected to the lower end of the colorscale.


Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.

Determines which number is connected to the upper end of the colorscale.

Point Opacity​

Point Opacity shoud be read as Bar Opacity, this slider is affecting the transparency/opacity of the color set under Color[link].

Border Width​

This field specifies the width of a border around the perimeter of object, both inward and outward. A 3-pixel border extends 1 pixel outward and 1 pixel inward, with the exception of the given-value axis, where the outward perimeter is initially clipped.

Border Color​

The color of the border can be set using the default color picker[link].



The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.



  • Values tooltips will show actual data values on hover.
  • Template tooltips will show custom-formatted values on hover. This option also enables the template formatting field.


Only available when Values is chosen for Mode.

When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.


Only available when Mode is set to Template.

  • Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".

Trace Name​

Only available when Name is ticked in Show or when Template is chosen in Mode.

  • Clip To The trace name is partially shown in a side pane attached to the hover pane. Opens extra numerical data field.
  • No Clip An extra side-panel is added to the hover pane, showing the entire trace name.
  • Hide No trace name is shown in the hover info pane.
  • px Numerical field to enter the number of pixels the trace name will be clipped to, only appears when Clip To is selected.

Text Alignment​

Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.