Trace Styling
The Style menu displays various applicable options to style a chosen trace type. Not all options are visible for every trace type, like the Axes and Legend being absent for Table-style traces. Below, per trace type styling features are explained. The ubiquitous Color style element has its own entry in this list.
The scatter trace type encompasses line charts, scatter charts, text charts, and bubble charts. The data visualized as scatter point or lines is taken from the data grid. Text (appearing either on the chart or on hover only) is set via the Text field. Bubble charts are achieved by setting the Point s size to Variable and use data from a grid column as bubble size .
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
The trace name appears in the Traces column, as the legend item and on hover.
Only available when two or more traces are present.
The legend is a box in the chart that shows the name and appearance of the trace. Although Legend[link] has its own Style entry, in the Traces > Individual tab, legend can be hidden or shown.
Sometimes (a bug we're working on[link]) the legend pane may disappear from the Style > Traces menu; it can be reactivated through the Styles > Legend[link] menu.
Show In Legend
Only available whenStyle > Legend button is enabled.
- Show Displays the trace name in the legend; reveals Legend Group popup.
- Hide Removes the name of the trace from the legend.
Legend Group
Only available when option Show in Show In Legend above is selected.
Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces that are part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.
Sets the width of the box in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other traces in the same subchart. Chosing 1 puts each box into a separate column, using 2 makes boxes overlap.
- Point[link] determines whether to show or hide trace points.
- Lines[link] determines whether to show or hide trace lines.
- Text[link] determines whether to show or hide trace text.
The three tick boxes enable or disable extra settings. Depending on the trace type, Points[link], Lines[link] and Text[link] can be styled. For styling each of these elements, see the documentation below.
If the ticked boxes in Display include "text" then the Text elements appear near the data points in the chart. Otherwise, the Text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is "lines+markers". Otherwise, "lines".
Only available when in Display[link] Points is ticked.
- Constant The color of points in a trace can be set as a constant using the color picker[link].
- Variable Allows colors for each point to be defined in a grid column[link].
- Choose data... Pick a grid column holding the color values with the syntax explained in the standard color picker.
Choose data... option is only available when Variable is chosen first.
Data from a grid column can also be used to specify a color for many chart elements. When color values (syntax as described in Constant) are provided in the grid cells, they will be used to style the elements. When the data in the grid is numerical, categorical color bars will be used.
Colorscale Direction
Only available when Color is set to Variable.
- Normal shows increasing values in the chart according to increasing colorscale values.
- Reversed shows increasing values in the chart according to decreasing colorscale values.
Colorscale Range
Only available when Color is set to Variable.
- Auto lets the system map colors to the entire range in the chosen grid area.
- Custom maps the colorscale between the given min and max, projecting higher values on max and lower values on min.
Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.
Determines which number is connected to the lower end of the colorscale.
Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.
Determines which number is connected to the upper end of the colorscale.
Point Opacity
- % influences the opacity (transparency) of the chosen color and is combined with the Alpha value of the color[link].
- Constant The Constant size is entered in pixel units. Either use the up and down arrows, which uses one-pixel increments, or type into the size text box to enter fractional sizes.
- Variable Clicking Variable size opens new set of options, which only become visible after a grid column is chosen. Click Variable, then choose a numerical grid column from the pulldown menu.
This reveals Size Scale[link], Size Mode[link] and Minimum Size[link].
Size Scale
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
- factor Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Only available when a grid column has been selected in Variable mode. To scale the point size in the grid column for the entire trace click the up and down arrows, which use one-pixel increments, or type into the size scale text box to enter fractional size scale.
Size Mode
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
- Area Points represent numerical values by area, a root scale.
- Diameter Points represent numerical values by diameter.
Minimum Size
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
Only available when a grid column has been selected in Variable mode, to prevent points that represent small numbers from becoming invisible. Enter a minimum size in the text area of this field, or use the up- and down buttons for one-pixel increments.
Use this option to select the shape or symbol representing each data point.
Border Width
Sets the width of point borders.
Border Color
Sets the color of point borders.
Max Number Of Points
To prevent traces from becoming overcrowded, the maximum number of visible points for this trace can be set using this option.
Set several scatter traces (on the same subchart) to the same Stack Group in order to add up their y values (or their x values if orientation is Horizontal). If blank or omitted, this trace will not be stacked. Stacking also turns fill on by default, and sets the default mode to lines, irrespective of point count. You can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or some traces stacked and some not), if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
- None All traces are charted individually.
- 'Other choice' Set several scatter traces (on the same subchart) to the same Stack Group in order to add their y values (or their x values if orientation is Horizontal). If blank or omitted, this trace will not be stacked. Stacking also turns fill on by default and sets the default mode to lines, irrespective of point count. You can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or with some traces stacked and some not) if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
Only available when an option different from None is chosen under Group .
Determines whether or not missing data (i.e. 'nan' or missing values) in the provided grid columns are included.
- Infer Zero will simulate a zero value here.
- Interpolate will linearly interpolate between existing values and extrapolate a constant beyond the existing values.
Only relevant when Stack Group is used, and only the first orientation found in the Stack Group will be used. Sets the stacking direction.
- Horizontal The x values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of Filled Area.
- Vertical The y values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of Filled Area.
Sets the normalization for the sum of this Stack Group.
- None Raw values will be charted.
- Fraction The value of each trace at each location is divided by the sum of all trace values at that location.
- Percent is the same as Fraction, but multiplied by 100 to show percentages.
The width of the line connecting the trace data points can be specified using the up- and down arrows for one-pixel increments, or enter the width directly in the text box, which allows fractional pixel values. Values smaller than 0.1 points are effectively invisible on pixel-based devices.
The line color can be set using this popup menu.
Continuous, dashed or dotted line types can be set using this popup menu.
Various shapes of the lines connecting the data points can be selected here.
Connect Gaps
- Connect connects the two data points on either side of a data gap caused by missing or NaN (not a number) data.
- Blank Missing values will break the line and appear as a gap.
Filled Area
Sets the fill color of the trace area. Defaults to 'none', unless this trace is stacked.
Fill To
Traces in a Stack Group will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or some traces stacked and some not), the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
- None Only the lines are shown.
- Y = 0 The trace area is filled to the x-axis in a Horizontal stacking trace and Y=0 is chosen.
- X = 0 The trace area is filled to the y-axis in a Vertical stacking trace and X=0 is chosen.
- Previous Y The trace area is filled between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area chart).
- Previous X fills between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area chart). If there is no trace before it, they behave like Y=0 and X=0.
Only available if Fill To is not set to None.
The color of the filled area can be set aysing the default color picker[link].
Only available when in [Display][link] Text is ticked.
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If trace hoverinfo option "text" is ticked and Text > Text is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
Text Position
Sets the positions of the Text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates. Options are pairs chosen from [Top, Middle, Bottom] and [Left, Center, Right].
All makes the string appear at the same relative position for all data points
Custom uses items from the selected grid column for placing the text relative to this trace's (x,y) coordinates.
Either show information as plain values, or uses formatting options from a template.
Values uses text strings from grid cells in the column chosen at Text below.
- Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system in which it operates. Plotly has a set of standard fonts available on all platforms, containing Arial, Balto, Courier New, Droid Sans, Droid Serif, Droid Sans Mono, Gravitas One, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Overpass, PT Sans Narrow, Raleway and Times New Roman.
Font Size
Size of the typeface in pixels.
Font Color
The color of the text in the trace can be chosen using the default Color picker[link]
Clip On Axes
Determines whether or not markers and text nodes are clipped about the subchart axes
Yes clips markers
No lets markers flow over axes
Extra information is shown when the viewer hovers the mouse over trace components. This information is taken from the Text[link] field above.
When the mouse cursor is hovered over various trace components, extra information can be shown as tooltip as defined in the fields below.
Hover On
Do the hover effects highlight individual points (markers or line points) or do they highlight filled regions, or both?
- Values will display the values (as plain text) from data grid, as defined in Text settings above.
- Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Error Bars X
Determines the rule used to generate the error bars in X-direction
- None will not draw any error bars.
- Symmetric will draw an error bar centered around the data points.
- Asymmetric will draw separarate bars for +error and -error taken from two data grid columns.
Error Type
Appears when Symmetric or Asymmetric are chosen.
- % the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in the Value field.
- Constant will use a bar length of constant value. Set this constant in Value field.
- √ will use the square root of the underlying data for bar length; only available with Symmetric error bars.
- Data uses grid column values for the length of the error bars. One grid column is sufficient for Symmetric error bars, two grid columns are necessary for Asymmetric error bars.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Determines the color of the error bar.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the error bars.Crossbar Width
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bar.Error Bars Y
Determines the rule used to generate the error bars in Y-direction
- None will not draw any error bars.
- Symmetric will draw an error bar centered around the data points.
- Asymmetric will draw separarate bars for +error and -error taken from two data grid columns.
Error Type
Appears when Symmetric or Asymmetric are chosen.
- % the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in the Value field.
- Constant will use a bar length of constant value. Set this constant in Value field.
- √ will use the square root of the underlying data for bar length; only available with Symmetric error bars.
- Data uses grid column values for the length of the error bars. One grid column is sufficient for Symmetric error bars, two grid columns are necessary for Asymmetric error bars.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Determines the color of the error bar.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the error bars.Crossbar Width
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bar.Bar
A bar chart[link] contains an x-axis that represents categories or given values, and a y-axis which represent the measured value. Three types of bar charts can be distinguished. The simplest version has only one grid column[link], the second form uses exactly two grid columns[link], the third form uses more than two grid columns[link].
- Single grid column
By definition, the bar chart will be categorical. When no x-values are given, the y-values will get a sequentially enumerated category (0, 1, 2, 3..) and the y-values will be charted parallel to the Y-axis. Conversely, when only an x-value is given, the values will be charted parallel to the x-axis and the y values will be enumerated. - Two grid columns
The next level is two grid columns. When from the grid one column is chosen for x-values and one column is used for y-values, it depends on the cell contents in the y-axis if text categories or numerical categories will be used. In the latter case, the numbers in the grid cells dictate the spacing across the x-axis. - More than three grid columns
Combining one axis with given values and more than one measured values opens the option for grouping bars of the measured values. When two or more measured values are placed on an axis, the Bar Mode option Grouped places the bars of the data sets adjacent, while Stacked uses one value as an extension of the other value in one three different ways.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
Only available when multiple traces ares present ánd grid columns have been chosen for both bar traces.
Only available when two or more traces are present.
The legend is a box in the chart that shows the name and appearance of the trace. Although Legend[link] has its own Style entry, in the Traces > Individual tab, legend can be hidden or shown.
Sometimes (a bug we're working on[link]) the legend pane may disappear from the Style > Traces menu; it can be reactivated through the Styles > Legend[link] menu.
Show In Legend
Only available whenStyle > Legend button is enabled.
- Show Displays the trace name in the legend; reveals Legend Group popup.
- Hide Removes the name of the trace from the legend.
Legend Group
Only available when option Show in Show In Legend above is selected.
Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces that are part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.
Sets the width of the box in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other traces in the same subchart. Chosing 1 puts each box into a separate column, using 2 makes boxes overlap.
Bar Grouping, Sizing And Spacing
Only available when more than 1 bar trace has been created.
Bar Mode
Only available when a data set for a bar trace has been selected in Structure > Traces.
- Grouped Places bars adjacent; width and gap between bars are set in any trace but setting width (bug[link]) or padding (bug[link]) sets these parameters for all traces.
- Positive/Negative Stacked When both negative and positive values are in the selected grid column(s), the bars are charted atop one another, such that negative values are charted below the 0-axis; the bars 'start at the axis'.
- Strict Sum Stacked Bars are placed head-to-toe, with negative values pulling subsequent bars down; two adjacent bar values of e.g. -2 and +3 result in the latter bar extending from -2 to +1, entirely covering the former bar. The bars 'start at the end of the previous bar'.
- Overlaid Places the bars on top of one another, the first trace in the Trace column being behind all others, the latter traces in the Trace column being placed in front of the previous one (possibly obscuring it).
Only available when more than 1 bar trace has been created.
- None Raw values are used for the axis
- Percent Option which displays the relative percentage.
- Fraction Display the fraction between the two (or more) grid columns.
Bar Width
Only available when more than 1 bar trace has been created.
- % The available space for each given-value axis category is split between the measured-value bars; 100% means the bars of one category together take up 100% of the space of a category on the line. Decreasing this value opens up the space between categories/measured-values.
Bar Padding
Only available when more than 1 bar trace has been created.
- % Within a single category value, the padding determines the amount of empty space around each of the bars within that category. 0% means the bars are adjacent and fill up the entire category space, 50% leaves half of the category space be blank and at 100% only a 1-pixel narrow bar remains.
The color of bars, either using Constant[link] for the entire trace or Variable[link] for individual bars of a trace can be set using the method described in Color[link].
Point Opacity
Point Opacity shoud be read as Bar Opacity, this slider is affecting the transparency/opacity of the color set under Color[link].
Border Width
This slider displays a border around the perimeter of object, both inward and outward. A 3-pixel border extends 1 pixel outward and 1 pixel inward, with the exception of the given-value axis, where the outward perimeter is initially clipped. Border width can be set individually for each trace and can be abused as a workaround the bar width setting, which acts concurrently on all traces.
Border Color
The color of the border can be set using the default color picker[link].
Text can be taken from a grid column and added to each data point. Position of the text relative to the data can be global or set per data point.
Text Position
Sets the positions of the Text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates. Options are pairs chosen from [Top, Middle, Bottom] and [Left, Center, Right].
All makes the string appear at the same relative position for all data points
Custom uses items from the selected grid column for placing the text relative to this trace's (x,y) coordinates.
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Error Bars X
Determines the rule used to generate the error bars in X-direction
- None will not draw any error bars.
- Symmetric will draw an error bar centered around the data points.
- Asymmetric will draw separarate bars for +error and -error taken from two data grid columns.
Error Type
Appears when Symmetric or Asymmetric are chosen.
- % the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in the Value field.
- Constant will use a bar length of constant value. Set this constant in Value field.
- √ will use the square root of the underlying data for bar length; only available with Symmetric error bars.
- Data uses grid column values for the length of the error bars. One grid column is sufficient for Symmetric error bars, two grid columns are necessary for Asymmetric error bars.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Determines the color of the error bar.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the error bars.Crossbar Width
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bar.Error Bars Y
Determines the rule used to generate the error bars in Y-direction
- None will not draw any error bars.
- Symmetric will draw an error bar centered around the data points.
- Asymmetric will draw separarate bars for +error and -error taken from two data grid columns.
Error Type
Appears when Symmetric or Asymmetric are chosen.
- % the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in the Value field.
- Constant will use a bar length of constant value. Set this constant in Value field.
- √ will use the square root of the underlying data for bar length; only available with Symmetric error bars.
- Data uses grid column values for the length of the error bars. One grid column is sufficient for Symmetric error bars, two grid columns are necessary for Asymmetric error bars.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Determines the color of the error bar.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the error bars.Crossbar Width
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bar.Line
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
The trace name appears in the Traces column, as the legend item and on hover.
Only available when a grid area has been chosen. [bug]Sometimes the page has to be closed and reopened if not all options below are visible when the Trace is expanded in Style > Traces.
Only available when two or more traces are present.
The legend is a box in the chart that shows the name and appearance of the trace. Although Legend[link] has its own Style entry, in the Traces > Individual tab, legend can be hidden or shown.
Sometimes (a bug we're working on[link]) the legend pane may disappear from the Style > Traces menu; it can be reactivated through the Styles > Legend[link] menu.
Show In Legend
Only available whenStyle > Legend button is enabled.
- Show Displays the trace name in the legend; reveals Legend Group popup.
- Hide Removes the name of the trace from the legend.
Legend Group
Only available when option Show in Show In Legend above is selected.
Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces that are part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.
Sets the width of the box in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other traces in the same subchart. Chosing 1 puts each box into a separate column, using 2 makes boxes overlap.
If the ticked boxes in Display include "text" then the Text elements appear near the data points in the chart. Otherwise, the Text elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is "lines+markers". Otherwise, "lines".
- Point[link] determines whether to show or hide trace points.
- Lines[link] determines whether to show or hide trace lines.
- Text[link] determines whether to show or hide trace text.
The three tick boxes enable or disable extra settings. Depending on the trace type, Points[link], Lines[link] and Text[link] can be styled. For styling each of these elements, see the documentation below.
Only available when in Display[link] Points is ticked.
- Constant The color of points in a trace can be set as a constant using the color picker[link].
- Variable Allows colors for each point to be defined in a grid column[link].
- Choose data... Pick a grid column holding the color values with the syntax explained in the standard color picker.
Choose data... option is only available when Variable is chosen first.
Data from a grid column can also be used to specify a color for many chart elements. When color values (syntax as described in Constant) are provided in the grid cells, they will be used to style the elements. When the data in the grid is numerical, categorical color bars will be used.
Colorscale Direction
Only available when Color is set to Variable.
- Normal shows increasing values in the chart according to increasing colorscale values.
- Reversed shows increasing values in the chart according to decreasing colorscale values.
Colorscale Range
Only available when Color is set to Variable.
- Auto lets the system map colors to the entire range in the chosen grid area.
- Custom maps the colorscale between the given min and max, projecting higher values on max and lower values on min.
Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.
Determines which number is connected to the lower end of the colorscale.
Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.
Determines which number is connected to the upper end of the colorscale.
Point Opacity
- % influences the opacity (transparency) of the chosen color and is combined with the Alpha value of the color[link].
- Constant The Constant size is entered in pixel units. Either use the up and down arrows, which uses one-pixel increments, or type into the size text box to enter fractional sizes.
- Variable Clicking Variable size opens new set of options, which only become visible after a grid column is chosen. Click Variable, then choose a numerical grid column from the pulldown menu.
This reveals Size Scale[link], Size Mode[link] and Minimum Size[link].
Size Scale
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
- factor Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Only available when a grid column has been selected in Variable mode. To scale the point size in the grid column for the entire trace click the up and down arrows, which use one-pixel increments, or type into the size scale text box to enter fractional size scale.
Size Mode
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
- Area Points represent numerical values by area, a root scale.
- Diameter Points represent numerical values by diameter.
Minimum Size
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
Only available when a grid column has been selected in Variable mode, to prevent points that represent small numbers from becoming invisible. Enter a minimum size in the text area of this field, or use the up- and down buttons for one-pixel increments.
Use this option to select the shape or symbol representing each data point.
Border Width
Sets the width of point borders.
Border Color
Sets the color of point borders.
Max Number Of Points
To prevent traces from becoming overcrowded, the maximum number of visible points for this trace can be set using this option.
Set several scatter traces (on the same subchart) to the same Stack Group in order to add up their y values (or their x values if orientation is Horizontal). If blank or omitted, this trace will not be stacked. Stacking also turns fill on by default, and sets the default mode to lines, irrespective of point count. You can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or some traces stacked and some not), if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
- None All traces are charted individually.
- 'Other choice' Set several scatter traces (on the same subchart) to the same Stack Group in order to add their y values (or their x values if orientation is Horizontal). If blank or omitted, this trace will not be stacked. Stacking also turns fill on by default and sets the default mode to lines, irrespective of point count. You can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or with some traces stacked and some not) if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
Only available when an option different from None is chosen under Group .
Determines whether or not missing data (i.e. 'nan' or missing values) in the provided grid columns are included.
- Infer Zero will simulate a zero value here.
- Interpolate will linearly interpolate between existing values and extrapolate a constant beyond the existing values.
Only relevant when Stack Group is used, and only the first orientation found in the Stack Group will be used. Sets the stacking direction.
- Horizontal The x values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of Filled Area.
- Vertical The y values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of Filled Area.
Sets the normalization for the sum of this Stack Group.
- None Raw values will be charted.
- Fraction The value of each trace at each location is divided by the sum of all trace values at that location.
- Percent is the same as Fraction, but multiplied by 100 to show percentages.
The width of the line connecting the trace data points can be specified using the up- and down arrows for one-pixel increments, or enter the width directly in the text box, which allows fractional pixel values. Values smaller than 0.1 points are effectively invisible on pixel-based devices.
The line color can be set using this popup menu.
Continuous, dashed or dotted line types can be set using this popup menu.
Various shapes of the lines connecting the data points can be selected here.
Connect Gaps
- Connect connects the two data points on either side of a data gap caused by missing or NaN (not a number) data.
- Blank Missing values will break the line and appear as a gap.
Filled Area
Sets the fill color of the trace area. Defaults to 'none', unless this trace is stacked.
Fill To
Traces in a Stack Group will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or some traces stacked and some not), the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
- None Only the lines are shown.
- Y = 0 The trace area is filled to the x-axis in a Horizontal stacking trace and Y=0 is chosen.
- X = 0 The trace area is filled to the y-axis in a Vertical stacking trace and X=0 is chosen.
- Previous Y The trace area is filled between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area chart).
- Previous X fills between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area chart). If there is no trace before it, they behave like Y=0 and X=0.
Only available if Fill To is not set to None.
The color of the filled area can be set aysing the default color picker[link].
Only available when in [Display] above, Text is ticked.
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If trace hoverinfo option "text" is ticked and Text > Text is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
Text Position
Sets the positions of the Text elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates. Options are pairs chosen from [Top, Middle, Bottom] and [Left, Center, Right].
All makes the string appear at the same relative position for all data points
Custom uses items from the selected grid column for placing the text relative to this trace's (x,y) coordinates.
Either show information as plain values, or uses formatting options from a template.
Values uses text strings from grid cells in the column chosen at Text below.
- Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system in which it operates. Plotly has a set of standard fonts available on all platforms, containing Arial, Balto, Courier New, Droid Sans, Droid Serif, Droid Sans Mono, Gravitas One, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Overpass, PT Sans Narrow, Raleway and Times New Roman.
Font Size
Size of the typeface in pixels.
Font Color
The color of the text in the trace can be chosen using the default Color picker[link]
Clip On Axes
Determines whether or not markers and text nodes are clipped about the subchart axes
Yes clips markers
No lets markers flow over axes
Extra information is shown when the viewer hovers the mouse over trace components. This information is taken from the Text[link] field above.
When the mouse cursor is hovered over various trace components, extra information can be shown as tooltip as defined in the fields below.
Hover On
Do the hover effects highlight individual points (markers or line points) or do they highlight filled regions, or both?
- Values will display the values (as plain text) from data grid, as defined in Text settings above.
- Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Only available when two or more traces are present.
The legend is a box in the chart that shows the name and appearance of the trace. Although Legend[link] has its own Style entry, in the Traces > Individual tab, legend can be hidden or shown.
Sometimes (a bug we're working on[link]) the legend pane may disappear from the Style > Traces menu; it can be reactivated through the Styles > Legend[link] menu.
Show In Legend
Only available whenStyle > Legend button is enabled.
- Show Displays the trace name in the legend; reveals Legend Group popup.
- Hide Removes the name of the trace from the legend.
Legend Group
Only available when option Show in Show In Legend above is selected.
Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces that are part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.
Sets the width of the box in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other traces in the same subchart. Chosing 1 puts each box into a separate column, using 2 makes boxes overlap.
Error Bars X
Determines the rule used to generate the error bars in X-direction
- None will not draw any error bars.
- Symmetric will draw an error bar centered around the data points.
- Asymmetric will draw separarate bars for +error and -error taken from two data grid columns.
Error Type
Appears when Symmetric or Asymmetric are chosen.
- % the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in the Value field.
- Constant will use a bar length of constant value. Set this constant in Value field.
- √ will use the square root of the underlying data for bar length; only available with Symmetric error bars.
- Data uses grid column values for the length of the error bars. One grid column is sufficient for Symmetric error bars, two grid columns are necessary for Asymmetric error bars.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Determines the color of the error bar.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the error bars.Crossbar Width
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bar.Error Bars Y
Determines the rule used to generate the error bars in Y-direction
- None will not draw any error bars.
- Symmetric will draw an error bar centered around the data points.
- Asymmetric will draw separarate bars for +error and -error taken from two data grid columns.
Error Type
Appears when Symmetric or Asymmetric are chosen.
- % the bar lengths correspond to a percentage of underlying data. Set this percentage in the Value field.
- Constant will use a bar length of constant value. Set this constant in Value field.
- √ will use the square root of the underlying data for bar length; only available with Symmetric error bars.
- Data uses grid column values for the length of the error bars. One grid column is sufficient for Symmetric error bars, two grid columns are necessary for Asymmetric error bars.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Determines the color of the error bar.
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the error bars.Crossbar Width
Appears on any error bar option except for None.
Sets the width (in px) of the cross-bar at both ends of the error bar.Area
Trace type that fills areas between data points and axes (or other traces). Traces in a Stack Group will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Group s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Only available when two or more traces are present.
The legend is a box in the chart that shows the name and appearance of the trace. Although Legend[link] has its own Style entry, in the Traces > Individual tab, legend can be hidden or shown.
Sometimes (a bug we're working on[link]) the legend pane may disappear from the Style > Traces menu; it can be reactivated through the Styles > Legend[link] menu.
Show In Legend
Only available whenStyle > Legend button is enabled.
- Show Displays the trace name in the legend; reveals Legend Group popup.
- Hide Removes the name of the trace from the legend.
Legend Group
Only available when option Show in Show In Legend above is selected.
Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces that are part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.
Sets the width of the box in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other traces in the same subchart. Chosing 1 puts each box into a separate column, using 2 makes boxes overlap.
- Point[link] determines whether to show or hide trace points.
- Lines[link] determines whether to show or hide trace lines.
- Text[link] determines whether to show or hide trace text.
The three tick boxes enable or disable extra settings. Depending on the trace type, Points[link], Lines[link] and Text[link] can be styled. For styling each of these elements, see the documentation below.
Only available when in Display[link] Points is ticked.
- Constant The color of points in a trace can be set as a constant using the color picker[link].
- Variable Allows colors for each point to be defined in a grid column[link].
- Choose data... Pick a grid column holding the color values with the syntax explained in the standard color picker.
Choose data... option is only available when Variable is chosen first.
Data from a grid column can also be used to specify a color for many chart elements. When color values (syntax as described in Constant) are provided in the grid cells, they will be used to style the elements. When the data in the grid is numerical, categorical color bars will be used.
Colorscale Direction
Only available when Color is set to Variable.
- Normal shows increasing values in the chart according to increasing colorscale values.
- Reversed shows increasing values in the chart according to decreasing colorscale values.
Colorscale Range
Only available when Color is set to Variable.
- Auto lets the system map colors to the entire range in the chosen grid area.
- Custom maps the colorscale between the given min and max, projecting higher values on max and lower values on min.
Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.
Determines which number is connected to the lower end of the colorscale.
Only available when Colorscale Range is set to Custom.
Determines which number is connected to the upper end of the colorscale.
Point Opacity
- % influences the opacity (transparency) of the chosen color and is combined with the Alpha value of the color[link].
- Constant The Constant size is entered in pixel units. Either use the up and down arrows, which uses one-pixel increments, or type into the size text box to enter fractional sizes.
- Variable Clicking Variable size opens new set of options, which only become visible after a grid column is chosen. Click Variable, then choose a numerical grid column from the pulldown menu.
This reveals Size Scale[link], Size Mode[link] and Minimum Size[link].
Size Scale
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
- factor Sets the scale factor used to determine the rendered size of marker points. Only available when a grid column has been selected in Variable mode. To scale the point size in the grid column for the entire trace click the up and down arrows, which use one-pixel increments, or type into the size scale text box to enter fractional size scale.
Size Mode
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
- Area Points represent numerical values by area, a root scale.
- Diameter Points represent numerical values by diameter.
Minimum Size
Only available when picking a Data column at Points > Size > Variable[link].
Only available when a grid column has been selected in Variable mode, to prevent points that represent small numbers from becoming invisible. Enter a minimum size in the text area of this field, or use the up- and down buttons for one-pixel increments.
Use this option to select the shape or symbol representing each data point.
Border Width
Sets the width of point borders.
Border Color
Sets the color of point borders.
Max Number Of Points
To prevent traces from becoming overcrowded, the maximum number of visible points for this trace can be set using this option.
Set several scatter traces (on the same subchart) to the same Stack Group in order to add up their y values (or their x values if orientation is Horizontal). If blank or omitted, this trace will not be stacked. Stacking also turns fill on by default, and sets the default mode to lines, irrespective of point count. You can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or some traces stacked and some not), if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
- None All traces are charted individually.
- 'Other choice' Set several scatter traces (on the same subchart) to the same Stack Group in order to add their y values (or their x values if orientation is Horizontal). If blank or omitted, this trace will not be stacked. Stacking also turns fill on by default and sets the default mode to lines, irrespective of point count. You can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a stackgroup will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or with some traces stacked and some not) if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
Only available when an option different from None is chosen under Group .
Determines whether or not missing data (i.e. 'nan' or missing values) in the provided grid columns are included.
- Infer Zero will simulate a zero value here.
- Interpolate will linearly interpolate between existing values and extrapolate a constant beyond the existing values.
Only relevant when Stack Group is used, and only the first orientation found in the Stack Group will be used. Sets the stacking direction.
- Horizontal The x values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of Filled Area.
- Vertical The y values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of Filled Area.
Sets the normalization for the sum of this Stack Group.
- None Raw values will be charted.
- Fraction The value of each trace at each location is divided by the sum of all trace values at that location.
- Percent is the same as Fraction, but multiplied by 100 to show percentages.
The width of the line connecting the trace data points can be specified using the up- and down arrows for one-pixel increments, or enter the width directly in the text box, which allows fractional pixel values. Values smaller than 0.1 points are effectively invisible on pixel-based devices.
The line color can be set using this popup menu.
Continuous, dashed or dotted line types can be set using this popup menu.
Various shapes of the lines connecting the data points can be selected here.
Connect Gaps
- Connect connects the two data points on either side of a data gap caused by missing or NaN (not a number) data.
- Blank Missing values will break the line and appear as a gap.
Filled Area
Sets the fill color of the trace area. Defaults to 'none', unless this trace is stacked.
Fill To
Traces in a Stack Group will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple Stack Groups (or some traces stacked and some not), the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
- None Only the lines are shown.
- Y = 0 The trace area is filled to the x-axis in a Horizontal stacking trace and Y=0 is chosen.
- X = 0 The trace area is filled to the y-axis in a Vertical stacking trace and X=0 is chosen.
- Previous Y The trace area is filled between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area chart).
- Previous X fills between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area chart). If there is no trace before it, they behave like Y=0 and X=0.
Only available if Fill To is not set to None.
The color of the filled area can be set aysing the default color picker[link].
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
The data that describes the heatmap value-to-color mapping is set in z. Data in z can either be multiple grid columns of values (ragged or not) (2D list) or a single grid column of values. In the case where z is a 2D list, say that z has N rows and M columns. Then, by default, the resulting heatmap will have N partitions along the y axis and M partitions along the x axis. In other words, the i-th row/ j-th column cell in z is mapped to the i-th partition of the y axis (starting from the bottom of the chart) and the j-th partition of the x-axis (starting from the left of the chart). Moreover, x (y) can be provided with M or M+1 (N or N+1) elements. If M (N), then the coordinates correspond to the center of the heatmap cells and the cells have equal width. If M+1 (N+1), then the coordinates correspond to the edges of the heatmap cells. In the case where z is a 1D list, the x and y coordinates must be provided in x and y respectively to form data triplets.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
The data points can be visualized using a number of different color sets, picked from the Colorscales pulldown menu[link].
Explained under Style > General.
Color Bar
- Show enables the color bar (shown next to the chart), which relates colors in the chart to the numeric data values.
- Hide disables the color bar.
Sets the relation between the numeric data values and the chosen color scale.
- Normal applies the colors of the Colorscale colors in their original order.
- Reversed applies the Colorscale colors in reversed order.
- Auto distributes colors and values linearly within range.
- Custom allows the range to be distributed across manually-set limits.
Only available when Colorscale > Range is set to Custom.
Sets the lower end of the scale. All data values lower than this number will be mapped onto this value.
Only available when Colorscale > Range is set to Custom.
Sets the upper end of the scale. All data values higher than this number will be mapped onto this value.
Only visible when Custom above is chosen.
Can be set with up- and down arrow, using the scroll wheel when the field has focus, or be typed in.
Only visible when Custom above is chosen.
Can be set with up- and down arrow, using the scroll wheel when the field has focus, or be typed in.
- On When smoothing is turned on, extra menu items Gaps Between Cells and Heatmap are hidden and the chart colors are interpolated, creating a contiuosly changing color field.
- Off When smoothing is turned off, extra menu items Gaps Between Cells and Heatmap are shown. The chart colors change stepswise.
Gaps In Data
Only available when Colorscale > Smoothing is set to On.
Interpolate Gaps
- On interpolates missing data points by using available adjacent data. Has the side effect of overruling the Hover On Gaps below.
- Off shows gaps in data.
Gaps Between Cells
Only available when Colorscale > Smoothing is set to Off.
Horizontal Gap
This setting is linked to Horizontal Gap below. Either setting can be used to change the gap between trace tiles in the horizontal direction.
Vertical Gap
This setting is linked to Vertical Gap below. Either setting can be used to change the gap between trace tiles in the vertical direction.
Only available when Colorscale > Smoothing is set to Off.
Horizontal Gaps
This setting is linked to Horizontal Gap above. Either setting can be used to change the gap between trace tiles in the horizontal direction.
Vertical Gaps
This setting is linked to Vertical Gap above. Either setting can be used to change the gap between trace tiles in the vertical direction.
Hover On Gaps
Yes Gaps in the data will display the categories, the z value is displayed as NaN (Not a Number)
No When no data is available, no hover info is shown.
- Values will display the values taken from Text above as plain text.
- Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu. When hovering over the trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, Z, a text column and the Name of the trace[link].
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu. When hovering over the trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, Z, a text column and the Name of the trace[link].
Trace Name
only when Trace name is ticked in Show above
- Clip To The trace name is partially shown in a side pane attached to the hover pane. Opens extra numerical data field.
- No Clip An extra side-panel is added to the hover pane, showing the entire trace name.
- Hide No trace name is shown in the hover info pane.
- px Numerical field to enter the number of pixels the trace name will be clipped to, only appears when Clip To is selected.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Table-style traces offer a lot of information but also require a lot of grid cells to work together in order to display a table. An example table is best used to get an overview of necessary elements. Click the Type popup menu in the Structure > Traces tab, hover over the Table icon and select the then-appearing tiny chart icon with the alternate text See a basic example.
Styling for tables is available in the Style > Traces tab and customizable under the selected table trace.
Some common styling elements have been described above and are available by following their links, the table-specific styling is described below.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Features of all header rows -if multiple are present- are set concurrently.
Irrespective of the font size, determine the height of the header rows in the table. Regardless of the size specified, header rows will not shrink below the size needed to display the headers. When the header content is wrapping and this creates different headers of different height needs, each header row is individually shrunk or expanded to accommodate all text.
Fill Color
This should specify the background color of the header row, using the default color picker[link] but is currently not honored (bug)[link]
HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system in which it operates. Plotly has a set of standard fonts available on all platforms, containing Arial, Balto, Courier New, Droid Sans, Droid Serif, Droid Sans Mono, Gravitas One, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Overpass, PT Sans Narrow, Raleway and Times New Roman.
Font Size
Set the font size in pixels.
Can be set with up- and down arrow, using the scroll wheel when the field has focus, or be typed in.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Font Color
This should specify the color of the font, but is currently defunct (bug)[link].
Border Width
The size of borders between header cells is specified in (fractional) pixels.
Border Color
The size of the space between header cells specified in pixels.
Cells are a separate part in the Table-type trace and have their own separate settings.
Determines the height of the rows in the table, specified in pixels. Rows will shrink below the size needed to display the cells if Font Size is taken too big. When the cell content is wrapping and this creates different cell height needs, only table rows where text wrapping occurs in a cell are protected from clipping. (bug[link]
Fill Color
This should specify the background color of the table rows, using the default color picker[link] but is currently not honored (bug)[link]
HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system in which it operates. Plotly has a set of standard fonts available on all platforms, containing Arial, Balto, Courier New, Droid Sans, Droid Serif, Droid Sans Mono, Gravitas One, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Overpass, PT Sans Narrow, Raleway and Times New Roman.
Font Size
Set the font size in pixels.
Can be set with up- and down arrow, using the scroll wheel when the field has focus, or be typed in.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Font Color
This specifies the color of the font used in the cells and is set using the default color picker[link].
Border Width
The size of borders between header cells is specified in (fractional) pixels. When chosen too big in combination with font size and cell height, can obscure cell content.
Border Color
The size of the space between cells specified in (fractional) pixels.
Text Alignment
[Has no effect as there does not seem to be a hover option]
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
A more subtle variation on the 2D histogram is the 2D contour chart.
Contours around x-y data with similar values are either Filled, a heatmap is shown as background to the contour lines, the contour lines can be shown in the colors of the color scale, or they can be shown in black, using the none setting.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
- Levels If Levels, the data is represented as a contour chart with multiple levels displayed.
- Constraint If Constraint the data is represented as constraints with the invalid region shaded
[conditonal] Only is present when Type is set to Levels
Fill shows entire contour filled with same color
Heatmap displays a continuous interpolated color scale
Lines shows the borders of the contour levels in color
None shows the borders of the contour levels as
Contour Lines
Only available when Type above is set to Constraint or when in Type the Levels is chosen in combination with the Fill option
- On places visible lines between adjacent contour value areas
- Off (bug)[link] does not work when Constraint is set at Type Otherwise does not show separating lines between areas (area colors themselves are visible if Levels are chosen above)
Contour Labels
- On Places numeric values of the boundaries on the contour lines
- Off
Number of Contours
Only available when Type is set to Levels.
- Auto adapts the number of contour lines automatically
- Custom reveals the menus Step Size and Min Contour below
Step Size
Only available when Number Of Contours is set to Custom.
Integer, determines in how many levels the data is shown; how many color bands are visible in the Coloring
Min Contour
Only available when Number Of Contours is set to Custom.
Sets the lower end of the scale (hiding lower valued contours), combining all lower values into the min conour value.
Max Contour
Only available when Number Of Contours is set to Custom.
Sets the upper end of the scale (combining all higher values into the highest category)
Acts as a switch to show or hide lines between contour levels. Options below vary according to combinations chosen in the Contours settings, complicated by a bug[link].
Only available when Contour Lines above is set to On.
Sets the width of the contour line in (fractions of) pixels
Only available when Contour Lines above is set to On.
Only available when Coloring above is not set to Lines.
Sets the color of the lines separating the contour levels. When Lines in is chosen Coloring, the line color is determined by the used Colorscale
Only available when Contour Lines above is set to On.
Chooses various types of continuous and striped lines
Draws straight lines between datapoints (Smoothing set to 0) or fits curve between datapoints (Smoothing set to 1.3)
Conect Gaps
Acts on interpolating of missing data, concurrently with Gaps In Data below.
- Connect When data is missing, interpolate using surrounding data, draws lines as continuous
- Blank creates holes in Fill and Heatmap traces, shows intermittent lines
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
The data points can be visualized using a number of different color sets, picked from the Colorscales pulldown menu[link].
Explained under Style > General.
Color Bar
- Show enables the color bar (shown next to the chart), which relates colors in the chart to the numeric data values.
- Hide disables the color bar.
Sets the relation between the numeric data values and the chosen color scale.
- Normal applies the colors of the Colorscale colors in their original order.
- Reversed applies the Colorscale colors in reversed order.
- Auto distributes colors and values linearly within range.
- Custom allows the range to be distributed across manually-set limits.
Only available when Colorscale > Range is set to Custom.
Sets the lower end of the scale. All data values lower than this number will be mapped onto this value.
Only available when Colorscale > Range is set to Custom.
Sets the upper end of the scale. All data values higher than this number will be mapped onto this value.
Only visible when Custom above is chosen.
Can be set with up- and down arrow, using the scroll wheel when the field has focus, or be typed in.
Only visible when Custom above is chosen.
Can be set with up- and down arrow, using the scroll wheel when the field has focus, or be typed in.
Gaps In Data
Interpolate Gaps
- On interpolates missing data points by using available adjacent data. Has the side effect of overruling the Hover On Gaps below.
- Off shows gaps in data.
Hover On Gaps
Yes Gaps in the data will display the categories, the z value is displayed as NaN (Not a Number)
No When no data is available, no hover info is shown.
- Values tooltips will show actual data values on hover.
- Template tooltips will show custom-formatted values on hover. This option also enables the template formatting field.
Only available when Mode above is set to Values.
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu. When hovering over the trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, Z, a text column and the Name of the trace[link].
Trace Name
Only available when Mode above is set to Values.
- Clip To The trace name is partially shown in a side pane attached to the hover pane. Opens extra numerical data field.
- No Clip An extra side-panel is added to the hover pane, showing the entire trace name.
- Hide No trace name is shown in the hover info pane.
- px Numerical field to enter the number of pixels the trace name will be clipped to, only appears when Clip To is selected.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
Segment Colors
Clicking on the colored bar next to "Colors" hides or reveals an extra menu, allowing the popup choice of these classes of color scales:
- sequential scales
- divergent scales
- categorical scales
- cyclical scales
- cubehelix scales
- cmocean scales
Extended Colors
When more data than colors is present, the available colors in the chosen scale are exhausted; this has two solutions:
- On prevent repetition by adding random colors.
- Off reuses (repeats) the indicated colors.
Subchart Title
The pie chart can have its own title, which is entered by filling text in the Subchart Title > Name field. The subchart title will be placed in the middle when Segment > Hole Size[link] is large enough, or atop the pie chart otherwise.
Shape, order and arrangement of the segments is set in this pane.
- Sorted Segments can be sorted by size, starting with the largest segment working toward the smallest segment.
- Unsorted takes the order of the grid rows for placing the segments.
- Clockwise is the default direction when placing the segments (starting at 12 o'clock, unless Segments > Rotation is not zero)
- Counterclockwise reverses the direction of the placement
To place the desired segment "at twelve o'clock", Rotation (in degrees) can be used. Positive numbers rotate clockwise, negative numbers rotate counterclockwise.
Hole Size
The center of the pie chart can be blanked to make room for the Name[link] of the subchart. The text size of the subchart name will be scaled down as far as necessary and possible.
Padding of the pie segments is determined as fraction of two adjacent segments: larger segments cause larger gaps between segments.
Border Width
Around each pie segment a border is placed increasing inward and outward size of the segment. On narrow Pull settings, this will join two segments by their border.
Border Color
Only available when Border Width has a non-zero value.
The default color picker[link] is used to set the color of the segment border, if present.
Text added to the pie chart segments
Text Position
Depending on choosing All or Custom various popups appear
- All places all segment texts on the same relative position. *** Inside The segment text is placed inside the segment regardless of the available space in the chart. The text is placed horizontal in larger segments and aligned with the segment's rotation when space is scarce. This is set in the conditional popup Inside Text Orientation below. *** Outside places the segment text in the perimeter of the segment *** Auto uses inside when enough space is available and outside for small segments when utside the circle of the pie chart the rectangular chart area has enough space. *** None does not show any segment text in the chart
- Custom This should[bug] position text values individually, according to the provided data positions array. The popup Data inlined in Figure appears and provides an option to chose a grid colum that holds combinations of [Top, Middle, Bottom] and [Left, Center,Right]
Values will display the values taken from the data grid as plain text.
- Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".
Show or hide information of the pie segments. Contains a hidden Text option that is activated by chosing a grid column in Text below. Tick any you want:
Label shows the text as per grid text column
Value shows the absolute value from the grid cells
% displays the relative percentage of the segment
Only available when a text grid column has been chosen in Text below.
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system in which it operates. Plotly has a set of standard fonts available on all platforms, containing Arial, Balto, Courier New, Droid Sans, Droid Serif, Droid Sans Mono, Gravitas One, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Overpass, PT Sans Narrow, Raleway and Times New Roman.
Font Size
Size of the typeface in pixels.
Font Color
Specifies the color of the font, set using the default color picker[link]
Inside Text Orientation
Only available when Text > Text Positions is set to inside.
The text is rotated according to the setting below. When not enough space is available, the text is shown in a smaller size, regardless of the Font Size set above.-
Auto displays the segment text with a combination of horizontal, radial and tangential, whichever fits best.
Radial places the text aligned with the segment's axis, toward the center
Tangential places the text perpendicular to the segment's axis
Horizontal places the text horizontally
Scale Group
If there are multiple pie charts that should be sized according to their totals, place every trace in the same group. Seems defunct[bug]: groups can be added and chosen but selecting from the popup returns to Select an Option***
- Values tooltips will show actual data values on hover.
- Template tooltips will show custom-formatted values on hover. This option also enables the template formatting field.
Show or hide information of the pie segments when being hovered over. Contains a hidden Text option that is activated by chosing a grid column in Text below. Tick any you want:
Percent displays the relative percentage of the segment
Label shows the text as per grid text column
Value shows the absolute value from the grid cells
Only available when a text grid column has been chosen in Text above.
Trace name
Only available when a text grid column has been chosen in Text above.
Trace Name
Only appears when Trace name is ticked in the Show menu
- Clip To The trace name is partially shown in a side pane attached to the hover pane. Opens extra numerical data field.
- No Clip An extra side-panel is added to the hover pane, showing the entire trace name.
- Hide No trace name is shown in the hover info pane.
- px Numerical field to enter the number of pixels the trace name will be clipped to, only appears when Clip To is selected.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
Only available when two or more traces are present.
The legend is a box in the chart that shows the name and appearance of the trace. Although Legend[link] has its own Style entry, in the Traces > Individual tab, legend can be hidden or shown.
Sometimes (a bug we're working on[link]) the legend pane may disappear from the Style > Traces menu; it can be reactivated through the Styles > Legend[link] menu.
Show In Legend
Only available whenStyle > Legend button is enabled.
- Show Displays the trace name in the legend; reveals Legend Group popup.
- Hide Removes the name of the trace from the legend.
Legend Group
Only available when option Show in Show In Legend above is selected.
Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces that are part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.
Sets the width of the box in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other traces in the same subchart. Chosing 1 puts each box into a separate column, using 2 makes boxes overlap.
Box Size And Spacing
Box Mode
Box Width
The width of the box in % with respect to the width of the box chart itself.
Box Padding
Adds empty space around individual boxes and their points expressed in % of the available space taken up by the padding
Whisker Width
- % Sets the length of the line, at the end of and perpendicular to the whiskers as a percentage of the box's width. The width of the whisker line itself is set using Lines > Width below.
Individual data points in the data grid making up the box and its statistics can be hidden, or shown in various ways.
Show All
Suspect Outliers
Only available when Points popup is not set to None.
Sets the amount of jitter in the sample points drawn. If 0, the sample points align along the distribution axis. If 1, the sample points are drawn in a random jitter of width equal to the width of the box(es).
Only available when Points popup is not set to None.
Position of points relative to the main box. If 0 points align with the box center. If 1 or -1 the points align with the right or left box edge respectively. When 2 or -2 the points are beside the box on the right or left hand side respectively.
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
Default points inherit the box color.
- Constant The color of points in a trace can be set as a constant using the color picker[link].
- Variable Allows colors for each point to be defined in a grid column[link].
- Choose data... Pick a grid column holding the color values with the syntax explained in the standard color picker.
Choose data... option is only available when Variable is chosen first.
Point Opacity
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
- % influences the opacity (transparency) of the chosen color and is combined with the Alpha value of the color[link].
Only available when Points popup is not set to None.
- Constant The Constant size is entered in pixel units. Either use the up and down arrows, which uses one-pixel increments, or type into the size text box to enter fractional sizes.
- Variable Clicking Variable size opens new set of options, which only become visible after a grid column is chosen. Click Variable, then choose a numerical grid column from the pulldown menu.
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
Use this option to select the shape or symbol representing each data point.
Border Width
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
Sets the width of the border around individual points
Border Color
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
Sets the color of the border around individual points using the standard color picker[link]
Sets the appearance of the lines that extend from the box up and down, if any
The thickness of the lines with which the box is drawn, including the whisker lines, mean and median and the borders of the box.
Sets the color of the lines using the standard color picker[link]
Filled Area
Sets the color of the body of the box using the standard color picker[link]
Notches in a box chart indicate the % confidence interval.
Show displays the confidence interval as a broken line from the positive confidence interval to the median to the negative confidence interval as a fraction of the half box width. If 0 lines are straight, if 0.5 the notch reaches inward to half the box width, meeting the opposite side (creating an hour glass without opening). Warning: wide lines can create strange results.
Hide removes the Notches > Width dialog panel and draws the body of the box using straight lines between the ends of the Q2-Q3 area
Only available when Notches is set to Show.
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
Filling out this field reveals the Text Alignment popup below.Box Mean
Mean Show the mean value in the box
Mean & SD Show both the Mean and the Standard Deviation
None Does not show any statistics
Hover On
Boxes and Points
- Values tooltips will show actual data values on hover.
- Template tooltips will show custom-formatted values on hover. This option also enables the template formatting field.
Only available when Values is chosen under Mode.
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.
Text Alignment
[conditonal] Only available when a grid column has been selected under Text > Text
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
Only available when two or more traces are present.
The legend is a box in the chart that shows the name and appearance of the trace. Although Legend[link] has its own Style entry, in the Traces > Individual tab, legend can be hidden or shown.
Sometimes (a bug we're working on[link]) the legend pane may disappear from the Style > Traces menu; it can be reactivated through the Styles > Legend[link] menu.
Show In Legend
Only available whenStyle > Legend button is enabled.
- Show Displays the trace name in the legend; reveals Legend Group popup.
- Hide Removes the name of the trace from the legend.
Legend Group
Only available when option Show in Show In Legend above is selected.
Sets the legend group for this trace. Traces that are part of the same legend group hide/show at the same time when toggling legend items.
Sets the width of the box in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other traces in the same subchart. Chosing 1 puts each box into a separate column, using 2 makes boxes overlap.
Violin Size And Spacing
Violin Mode
Violin Width
The width of the violin in % with respect to the width of the violin chart itself.
Violin Padding
Adds empty space around individual violins and their points expressed in % of the available space taken up by the padding
Individual data points in the data grid making up the box and its statistics can be hidden, or shown in various ways.
Show All
Suspect Outliers
Only available when Points popup is not set to None.
Sets the amount of jitter in the sample points drawn. If 0, the sample points align along the distribution axis. If 1, the sample points are drawn in a random jitter of width equal to the width of the box(es).
Only available when Points popup is not set to None.
Position of points relative to the main box. If 0 points align with the box center. If 1 or -1 the points align with the right or left box edge respectively. When 2 or -2 the points are beside the box on the right or left hand side respectively.
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
Default points inherit the box color.
As a side effect changes Color for Lines and Filled Area belowPick a color that will be applied to all styled chart elements, using the standard color pickerlink.
Reveals a popup field.Pick a grid column holding the color values with a syntax as explained at the standard color picker[link].
Point Opacity
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
- % influences the opacity (transparency) of the chosen color and is combined with the Alpha value of the color[link].
Only available when Points popup is not set to None.
- Constant The Constant size is entered in pixel units. Either use the up and down arrows, which uses one-pixel increments, or type into the size text box to enter fractional sizes.
- Variable Clicking Variable size opens new set of options, which only become visible after a grid column is chosen. Click Variable, then choose a numerical grid column from the pulldown menu.
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
Use this option to select the shape or symbol representing each data point.
Border Width
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
Sets the width of the border around individual points
Border Color
Only available when Points popup is not set to None
Sets the color of the border around individual points using the standard color picker[link]
Sets the appearance of the lines that surround the violin body
The thickness of the lines with which the violin body border is drawn
Sets the color of the lines using the standard color picker[link]
Filled Area
Sets the color of the body of the box using the standard color picker[link]
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
Filling out this field reveals the Text Alignment checkbox in the Show menu below.
Scale Group
Defunct [bug][conditional?]
Some text
Scale Mode
Sets the metric by which the width of each violin is determined.
Width means each violin has the same (max) width
Count means the violins are scaled by the number of sample points makingup each violin.
Span Mode
Sets the method by which the span in data space where the density function will be computed. Soft means the span goes from the sample's minimum value minus two bandwidths to the sample's maximum value plus two bandwidths. Hard means the span goes from the sample's minimum to its maximum value. For custom span settings, use mode Manual and fill in the [missing][bug?] Span attribute.
Visible sides
Both The entire body is visible
Positive Half to the right of the violin body is shown
Negative Half to the left of the violin body is shown
Determines if an miniature box chart is drawn inside the violins.
Show Shows the box. When Meanline is showing, limits the Meanline to the box width
Box Width
Only available when Show above is selected
% Sets the width of the inner box charts relative to the violins' width. For example, with 100%, the inner box charts are half as wide as the violins[bug?].
Box Line Width
Only available when Show above is selected
% [bug?] Sets the inner box chart bounding line width.
Box Line Color
Only available when Show above is selected
Sets the inner box chart bounding line color using the standard color pickerMeanline
Determines if a line corresponding to the sample's mean is shown inside the violins. If Box is set to Show, the mean line is drawn inside the inner box. Otherwise, the mean line is drawn from one side of the violin to other.
Meanline Width
Only available when Show above is selected
% [bug?] Sets the line width of the mean line in % of a pixel.
Meanline Color
Only available when Show above is selected
Hover On
Violins and Points
Violins, Points and KDE
- Values tooltips will show actual data values on hover.
- Template tooltips will show custom-formatted values on hover. This option also enables the template formatting field.
Only available when Values is chosen under Mode.
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.
Trace Name
Only available when template is chosen under Mode.
Determines the clipping of trace names in the floating hover window- Values tooltips will show actual data values on hover.
- Template tooltips will show custom-formatted values on hover. This option also enables the template formatting field.
Only available when template is chosen under Mode.
- Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".
Text Alignment
[conditonal] Only available when a grid column has been selected under Text > Text
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
Histogram Normalization
Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace.
- Number of Occurences The span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points inside the corresponding bin).
- Percent The span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of data points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1).
- Probability The span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points).
- Density
- *** Probability Density*** The area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).
Sets whether the current bin is included, excluded, or has half of its value included in the current cumulative value.
Enabled Default for compatibility with various other tools, however it introduces a half-bin bias to the results.
Disabled makes the opposite half-bin bias, and "half" removes it.
Only available when Cumulative is Enabled.
Increasing sums all prior bins, so the result increases from left to right.
Decreasing sums later bins so the result decreases from left to right.
Current Bin
Only appears if cumulative is enabled.
Sets whether the current bin is included, excluded, or has half of its value included in the current cumulative value.
Include Default for compatibility with various other tools, however it introduces a half-bin bias to the results.
exclude makes the opposite half-bin bias.
half removes the half-bin bias.
Bar grouping, Sizing And Spacing
When [missing link] is activated, extra options appear in Bar Grouping, Sizing and Spacing
- Grouped Places bars adjacent; width and gap between bars are set in any trace but setting width (bug[link]) or padding (bug[link]) sets these parameters for all traces.
- Positive/Negative Stacked When both negative and positive values are in the selected grid column(s), the bars are charted atop one another, such that negative values are charted below the 0-axis; the bars 'start at the axis'.
- Strict Sum Stacked Bars are placed head-to-toe, with negative values pulling subsequent bars down; two adjacent bar values of e.g. -2 and +3 result in the latter bar extending from -2 to +1, entirely covering the former bar. The bars 'start at the end of the previous bar'.
- Overlaid Places the bars on top of one another, the first trace in the Trace column being behind all others, the latter traces in the Trace column being placed in front of the previous one (possibly obscuring it).
Not avaliable when Bar Mode is set to Overlay.
Determines whether this color bar's length (i.e. the measure in the color variation direction) is set in units of chart "fraction" or in "pixels-
None Bars are drawn according to their respective values
Fraction Each bar is diplayed as the trace's fraction of the bin, as summed over the traces. One trace leads to all bars being equally tall.
Percent Each bar is diplayed as the trace's percentage of the bin, as summed over the traces. One trace leads to all bars being equally tall.
Bar Width
Sets the bar width as percentage of the area reserved for one histogram entry. Similar effect as Bar Padding, though the settings result in slightly different bars
Bar Padding
Sets the bar width as percentage of the area reserved for one histogram entry. Similar effect as Bar Padding, though the settings result in slightly different bars
Data is grouped into bins, and each bin covers an area in the chart that reflects the number of occurences of the values falling within the bin range. For category data - the area reflects the number of categories that are binned together (always defaults to 1). For date data, use milliseconds or "M<n>" for months. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicitly calculated bin size is used, and all others discarded.
X Bin Start
Sets the starting value for the x axis bins.
Defaults to the lowest data value, shifted down if necessary to round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data are integers, we shift the bin edges by 0.5 down, so a Size of 5 would have a default Start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin and 5-9 in the second bin. Continuous data gets a bin start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and Start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicit Start is used exactly and all others are shifted down (if necessary) to differ from that one by an integer number of bins.
X Bin End
Sets the end value for the x axis bins.
The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by Size from Start until we reach or exceed End. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like Start, for dates use a date string, and for category data End is based on the category serial numbers.
Max X Bins
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data.
X Bin Size
If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, this first encountered explicit Size is used and all others discarded. If no Size is provided,the sample data from all traces is combined to determine Size as described above.
The color of bars
Constant[link] for the entire trace
Variable[link] for individual bars of a trace can be set using the method and syntax as described in Color[link].
Point Opacity
Point Opacity shoud be read as Bar Opacity, this slider is affecting the transparency/opacity of the color set under Color[link].
Border Width
This field specifies the width of a border around the perimeter of object, both inward and outward. A 3-pixel border extends 1 pixel outward and 1 pixel inward, with the exception of the given-value axis, where the outward perimeter is initially clipped.
Border Color
The color of the border can be set using the default color picker[link].
The grid column[link], holding the text to be shown for each item on hover, can be chosen here. Only data-containing columns can be selected.
- Values tooltips will show actual data values on hover.
- Template tooltips will show custom-formatted values on hover. This option also enables the template formatting field.
Only available when Values is chosen for Mode.
When under Text >Text[link] a grid area is chosen, Text appears as an extra option in the Show menu to be displayed when hovering over the chart. When hovering over a trace, each of the values from the grid are shown for X, Y, a text column and the name[link] of the trace if their box is ticked.
Only available when Mode is set to Template.
- Template shows an edit panel for the template string used for rendering the information text. Variables are inserted using %{variable}, for example "y: %{y}". Numbers are formatted using d3-format's syntax %{variable:d3-format}, for example "Price: %{y:$.2f}". Dates and times are formatted using d3-time-format's syntax %{variable|d3-time-format}, for example "Day: %{2019-01-01|%A}".
Trace Name
Only available when Name is ticked in Show or when Template is chosen in Mode.
- Clip To The trace name is partially shown in a side pane attached to the hover pane. Opens extra numerical data field.
- No Clip An extra side-panel is added to the hover pane, showing the entire trace name.
- Hide No trace name is shown in the hover info pane.
- px Numerical field to enter the number of pixels the trace name will be clipped to, only appears when Clip To is selected.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
2D Histogram
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
Histogram Normalization
Only available if 3 grid columns are chosen in Structure > Traces.
- Number of Occurences The span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points inside the corresponding bin).
- Percent The span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of data points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1).
- Probability The span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points).
- Density
- *** Probability Density*** The area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).
Data is grouped into bins, and each bin covers an area in the chart that reflects the number of occurences of the values falling within the bin range. For category data - the area reflects the number of categories that are binned together (always defaults to 1). For date data, use milliseconds or "M<n>" for months. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicitly calculated bin size is used, and all others discarded.
X Bin Start
Sets the starting value for the x axis bins.
Defaults to the lowest data value, shifted down if necessary to round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data are integers, we shift the bin edges by 0.5 down, so a Size of 5 would have a default Start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin and 5-9 in the second bin. Continuous data gets a bin start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and Start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicit Start is used exactly and all others are shifted down (if necessary) to differ from that one by an integer number of bins.
X Bin End
Sets the end value for the x axis bins.
The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by Size from Start until we reach or exceed End. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like Start, for dates use a date string, and for category data End is based on the category serial numbers.
Max X Bins
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data.
X Bin Size
If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, this first encountered explicit Size is used and all others discarded. If no Size is provided,the sample data from all traces is combined to determine Size as described above.
Y Bin Start
Sets the starting value for the y axis bins.
Defaults to the lowest data value, shifted down if necessary to round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data are integers, we shift the bin edges by 0.5 down, so a Size of 5 would have a default Start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin and 5-9 in the second bin. Continuous data gets a bin start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and Start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicit Start is used exactly and all others are shifted down (if necessary) to differ from that one by an integer number of bins.
Y Bin End
Sets the end value for the y axis bins.
The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by Size from Start until we reach or exceed End. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like Start, for dates use a date string, and for category data End is based on the category serial numbers.
Max Y Bins
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data.
Y Bin Size
If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, this first encountered explicit Size is used and all others discarded. If no Size is provided,the sample data from all traces is combined to determine Size as described above.
The data points can be visualized using a number of different color sets, picked from the Colorscales pulldown menu[link].
Explained under Style > General.
Color Bar
- Show enables the color bar (shown next to the chart), which relates colors in the chart to the numeric data values.
- Hide disables the color bar.
Sets the relation between the numeric data values and the chosen color scale.
- Normal applies the colors of the Colorscale colors in their original order.
- Reversed applies the Colorscale colors in reversed order.
- Auto distributes colors and values linearly within range.
- Custom allows the range to be distributed across manually-set limits.
Only available when Colorscale > Range is set to Custom.
Sets the lower end of the scale. All data values lower than this number will be mapped onto this value.
Only available when Colorscale > Range is set to Custom.
Sets the upper end of the scale. All data values higher than this number will be mapped onto this value.
- On When smoothing is turned on, extra menu items Gaps Between Cells and Heatmap are hidden and the chart colors are interpolated, creating a contiuosly changing color field.
- Off When smoothing is turned off, extra menu items Gaps Between Cells and Heatmap are shown. The chart colors change stepswise.
Gaps Between Cells
Only available when Colorscale > Smoothing is set to Off.
Horizontal Gap
This setting is linked to Horizontal Gap below. Either setting can be used to change the gap between trace tiles in the horizontal direction.
Vertical Gap
This setting is linked to Vertical Gap below. Either setting can be used to change the gap between trace tiles in the vertical direction.
Only available when Colorscale > Smoothing is set to Off.
Horizontal Gaps
This setting is linked to Horizontal Gap above. Either setting can be used to change the gap between trace tiles in the horizontal direction.
Vertical Gaps
This setting is linked to Vertical Gap above. Either setting can be used to change the gap between trace tiles in the vertical direction.
Gaps In Data
Interpolate Gaps
- On interpolates missing data points by using available adjacent data. Has the side effect of overruling the Hover On Gaps below.
- Off shows gaps in data.
- Values tooltips will show actual data values on hover.
- Template tooltips will show custom-formatted values on hover. This option also enables the template formatting field.
Only available when Mode is set to Values.
Tooltips will display values of X, Y, Z and Trace Name when each of the corresponding check box is ticked.
only when Trace name is ticked in Show above or Mode is set to Template.
- Clip To The trace name is partially shown in a side pane attached to the hover pane. Opens extra numerical data field.
- No Clip An extra side-panel is added to the hover pane, showing the entire trace name.
- Hide No trace name is shown in the hover info pane.
- px Numerical field to enter the number of pixels the trace name will be clipped to, only appears when Clip To is selected.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.
2D Contour Histogram
Sets the trace name. The trace name appears as the legend item and on hover.
In the Name text box, the name can be entered and formatted. This is automatically reflected in the Structure > Traces[link] section and in the legend[link] of the chart. The trace name can be also edited directly by double-clicking the trace name in the chart legend.
HTML tags and CSS formatting can be used to enrich text styling.
Trace Opacity
Sets the opacity (transparency) of the trace.
Histogram Normalization
Only available if 3 grid columns are chosen in Structure > Traces.
- Number of Occurences The span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points inside the corresponding bin).
- Percent The span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of data points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1).
- Probability The span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points).
- Density
- *** Probability Density*** The area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).
Data is grouped into bins, and each bin covers an area in the chart that reflects the number of occurences of the values falling within the bin range. For category data - the area reflects the number of categories that are binned together (always defaults to 1). For date data, use milliseconds or "M<n>" for months. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicitly calculated bin size is used, and all others discarded.
X Bin Start
Sets the starting value for the x axis bins.
Defaults to the lowest data value, shifted down if necessary to round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data are integers, we shift the bin edges by 0.5 down, so a Size of 5 would have a default Start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin and 5-9 in the second bin. Continuous data gets a bin start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and Start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicit Start is used exactly and all others are shifted down (if necessary) to differ from that one by an integer number of bins.
X Bin End
Sets the end value for the x axis bins.
The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by Size from Start until we reach or exceed End. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like Start, for dates use a date string, and for category data End is based on the category serial numbers.
Max X Bins
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data.
X Bin Size
If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, this first encountered explicit Size is used and all others discarded. If no Size is provided,the sample data from all traces is combined to determine Size as described above.
Y Bin Start
Sets the starting value for the y axis bins.
Defaults to the lowest data value, shifted down if necessary to round values and to remove ambiguous bin edges. For example, if most of the data are integers, we shift the bin edges by 0.5 down, so a Size of 5 would have a default Start of -0.5, so it is clear that 0-4 are in the first bin and 5-9 in the second bin. Continuous data gets a bin start of 0 and bins [0,5), [5,10) etc. Dates behave similarly, and Start should be a date string. For category data, start is based on the category serial numbers, and defaults to -0.5. If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, the first explicit Start is used exactly and all others are shifted down (if necessary) to differ from that one by an integer number of bins.
Y Bin End
Sets the end value for the y axis bins.
The last bin may not end exactly at this value, we increment the bin edge by Size from Start until we reach or exceed End. Defaults to the maximum data value. Like Start, for dates use a date string, and for category data End is based on the category serial numbers.
Max Y Bins
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data.
Y Bin Size
If multiple non-overlaying histograms share a subchart, this first encountered explicit Size is used and all others discarded. If no Size is provided,the sample data from all traces is combined to determine Size as described above.
[conditonal] Only is present when Type is set to Levels
Fill shows entire contour filled with same color
Heatmap displays a continuous interpolated color scale
Lines shows the borders of the contour levels in color
None shows the borders of the contour levels as
Contour Lines
Only available when Type above is set to Constraint or when in Type the Levels is chosen in combination with the Fill option
On places visible lines between adjacent contour value areas
Off (bug)[link] does not work when Constraint is set at Type Otherwise does not show separating lines between areas (area colors themselves are visible if Levels are chosen above)
Contour Labels
On Places numeric values of the boundaries on the contour lines
Number of Contours
Only available when Type is set to Levels.
Auto adapts the number of contour lines automatically
Custom reveals the menus Step Size and Min Contour below
Step Size
Only available when Number Of Contours is set to Custom.
Integer, determines in how many levels the data is shown; how many color bands are visible in the Coloring
Min Contour
Only available when Number Of Contours is set to Custom.
Sets the lower end of the scale (hiding lower valued contours), combining all lower values into the min conour value.
Max Contour
Only available when Number Of Contours is set to Custom.
Sets the upper end of the scale (combining all higher values into the highest category)
Acts as a switch to show or hide lines between contour levels. Options below vary according to combinations chosen in the Contours settings, complicated by a bug[link].
Only available when Contour Lines above is set to On.
Sets the width of the contour line in (fractions of) pixels
Only available when Contour Lines above is set to On.
Only available when Coloring above is not set to Lines.
Sets the color of the lines separating the contour levels. When Lines in is chosen Coloring, the line color is determined by the used Colorscale
Only available when Contour Lines above is set to On.
Chooses various types of continuous and striped lines
Draws straight lines between datapoints (Smoothing set to 0) or fits curve between datapoints (Smoothing set to 1.3)
The data points can be visualized using a number of different color sets, picked from the Colorscales pulldown menu[link].
Explained under Style > General.
Color Bar
- Show enables the color bar (shown next to the chart), which relates colors in the chart to the numeric data values.
- Hide disables the color bar.
Sets the relation between the numeric data values and the chosen color scale.
- Normal applies the colors of the Colorscale colors in their original order.
- Reversed applies the Colorscale colors in reversed order.
- Auto distributes colors and values linearly within range.
- Custom allows the range to be distributed across manually-set limits.
Only available when Colorscale > Range is set to Custom.
Sets the lower end of the scale. All data values lower than this number will be mapped onto this value.
Only available when Colorscale > Range is set to Custom.
Sets the upper end of the scale. All data values higher than this number will be mapped onto this value.
Tooltips will display values of X, Y, Z and Trace Name when each of the corresponding check box is ticked.
Text Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within the hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans two or more lines. Alignment of Hover/Tooltip can be set to Auto, Left or Right.