You can choose built-in themes that entail default styles for visual elements. Depending on the theme different elements will be changed such as the color of the chart background, margin, gridlines, axes color/thickness, and even trace color.
The built-in themes are:
_ Figlinq modern _ Default Figlinq theme.
_ Plotly White _ Simple plotly.js theme
_ Plotly classic _ A clean look with clear dark axes.
_ Plotly gray _ Adds a light blue chart background.
_ Plotly Dark _ Both chart background and margin color are set to black.
These default themes you can use right away, however, at Theme > Create [link] you can create your own theme. These original themes are saved to your account and can be accessed through the Theme > Personal tab. Personal themes can also be shared between collaborators on a chart. You will be able to select the theme through Theme > Shared, and apply its styles to your chart.