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Prepare your students for data-driven economy

For schools

Reduce the number of software packages required to run courses • Offer state-of-art courses based on a single, web-based, data-centric environment • Interactively publish the best results on the web to promote the school • Ensure common standards in course documentation • Create a permanent educational record • Increase reuse of data across your organization • Easily switch between home and traditional education

For teachers

Teach all courses using a single, data-centric platform • Seamlessly integrate advanced programming environments (Python, R, Matlab, Jupyter Notebook) • Easily share course material • Inspect and document students’ progress • Support and guide the students during all stages of their work • Facilitate discussions on partial and final results • Interactively publish the best projects on school blogs or websites • Manage your own library of material for different courses • Empower collaborative, evolutionary, iterative problem-solving approaches

For students

Participate in all courses through a central online environment • Access your course material anytime and from any internet-connected device • Easily collaborate with teachers and peers • Publish and share your portfolio within professional and social networks

Data-driven economy requires data-centered education

Consolidated teaching environment

Teaching environments are often composed of multiple, individual (both online and offline) applications. Such environments are expensive, difficult to maintain and require dedicated hardware and physical space. Moreover, students move data between these applications in an insecure, intransparent and error-prone manner.

Figlinq replaces the landscape of multiple incompatible applications with a single, web based environment.

Common course workspace available anytime, anywhere

Curricula relying on traditional applications require the physical attendance of teachers and students. In the context of online education, or when teaching is must frequently shift between home- and on-premises schooling, there is a strong need for a platform that could support all these models.

Figlinq is a web-based platform available through the browser. anytime and from any location.

Collaborative approach to problem-solving

Problems of the digital era are often too complex for individuals – the most significant and innovative results are achieved through teamwork. For university graduates, collaboration must become a natural and default approach to problem-solving. Traditional programs still largely rely, however, on individual assignments. In addition, the commonly used, complex and distributed software landscape does not encourage teamwork-based education.

Figlinq is natively designed for internal (within project/class) and external (in social and professional networks) collaboration and sharing.

Permament and comprehensive course record

Creating and maintaining course documentation is a time-consuming and logistically challenging task for teachers and administrators. Schools often rely on local data storage or dedicated third-party solutions, but this is limited to final written student reports and evaluations. The actual work executed by the students (e.g. data worksheets, calculations, charts) are not preserved at all, and not inspectable, verifiable or reusable.

With Figlinq, all students’ activities are permanently linked to each other, to the final reports and evaluations, and can be accessed, reviewed or reused.

See how Figlinq can be used in educational settings

The video below illustrates some simple use cases in data-centric teaching. Please request a demo by emailig to see all capabilities!